Erdogan should be tried by International Criminal Court for supporting terrorism

President Erdogan’s office sent a letter to the heads of religious minorities in Turkey demanding that they sign it and send it back to the President. In that letter, Erdogan falsely claimed that Turkey was alone on the forefront of the fight against international terrorism.
Contrary to Erdogan’s claims, there have been dozens of reports in the international media proving that Turkey was in fact on the forefront of those assisting ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
Ahmet S. Yayla is someone who has first-hand knowledge of the Turkish government’s support for ISIS as he was the chief of counterterrorism and operations in Turkey from 2010 to 2013, and chief of public order and criminal investigations in Sanliurfa, Turkey, from 2013 to 2014. Sanliurfa was the endpoint of the ISIS “jihadi highway.” Yayla wrote an in-depth article on March 6, 2020, in The Investigative Journal, exposing Erdogan’s complicity in terrorism. The article was titled, “Try Erdogan at the International Criminal Court for Enabling ISIS.”
Since Turkish leaders assisted ISIS, there was widespread support for ISIS among the Turkish public. Reuters reported that according to “Turkey’s Social Trends Survey,” conducted by an Ankara think tank, 9.3% of the respondents stated that ISIS was not a terrorist organization, with 5.4% supporting its actions.
According to PEW research, 8% of the Turkish population had a favorable view of ISIS. As a result, according to a recent Combating Terrorism Center report, Turks contributed the highest number of fighters to ISIS. There were up to 9,476 Turkish ISIS terrorists, whereas there were more than 900 Azerbaijanis in the ranks of ISIS.
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